Warming Up!

Warming Up!
Starting 2011 as a team.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cloak Bay Capers

We have worked together to solve a problem over the last couple of days. We are lucky to have beautiful new buildings at our school, and we are learning to show that we are proud of them. Our cloak bay was a mess! 
We spent some time thinking about the process that we need to follow to keep our cloak bay tidy. The Rockets knew that a Flow Map would be best to display this process; it puts the things that we need to do in order. Here we are, proudly showing off the results of our efforts. Doesn't this space look great! 


Emer said...

The cloak bay looks much better now that it is clean.

Juliet Revell said...

Yes, Emer, I totally agree with you. We can be proud of it now!